Giorgio Benedek (University of Milano-Bicocca) [talk=11.5Mb]
Oriol Bohigas (University of Paris, Orsay) [talk=32.5Mb]
Wolfgang Ernst (Graz Univ. of Technology) [talk pt.I=3Mb,pt.II=3.5Mb]
Laurent Gaudefroy (CEA/DAM Ile de France) [talk=4Mb]
Claude Guet (CEA Saclay) [talk=4Mb]
Klavs Hansen (University of Gothenburg) [talk=4Mb]
Walt de Heer (Georgia Tech, Atlanta) [talk=12Mb]
Bernd von Issendorff (University of Freiburg) [talk=2Mb]
Vitaly Kresin (Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles) [talk=6.5Mb]
Alexandre Obertelli (CEA Saclay) [talk=10Mb]
Mark Raizen (The University of Texas at Austin)
Stephanie Reimann (Lund Institute of Technology)
Jan van Ruitenbeek (Leiden University)[talk=24.5Mb]Topics
Metal nanoclusters
Atoms and quantum gases
Quantum dots and nanowires
Superfluid nanodroplets
Semiclassical and chaotic dynamics
Thermodynamics of finite systems
Collective excitationsAbstracts of lectures: pdf file
Contact: ShellEffects@usc.edu