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Get a better look at the department. Here's a short video describing some opportunities for new graduate students in two different formats:

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- RealTime stream

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bullet  Department Colloquium
Monday, April 26
Fingerprints of the Early Universe
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Professor Edward Rhodes featured in the College News
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Graduate Program Undergraduate Program

Research Highlights
research highlight image
High pressure expansion of helium gas out of a micron-sized cryogenic nozzle into vacuum produces a jet of very cold, superfluid helium clusters. Prof. Kresin and coworkers are investigating the behavior of atoms and molecules trapped inside these flying "nanoscale cryostats."

bullet Seminars
- Condensed Matter
- High Energy Physics
- Department Colloquium
bullet Research Groups
- High Energy Theory
- Astronomy
- Cosmology
- Space Sciences
- Laser Physics
- Atomic & Molecular
- Condensed Matter
- Computational Phys.

bullet Classes
- Astronomy
- Physics
- Schedule of Classes
- Special Programs

- Demonstration Lab

bullet People
- Faculty
- Staff
- Post Docs
- Students
- Alumni
- Teaching Assistants
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Last Updated:Fri Sep 7 10:11:08 2018