Poster Wins Second Prize

The poster created by Doug Garrett titled, Weak Localization in ultra thin Cs took second place in the First Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in April 1999. The poster investigates the quantum interference corrections to resistance (weak localization) and determines the inelastic dephasing rate of conduction electrons.

At the time, Doug was an undergraduate majoring in physics and as an undergraduate, was one of the first promoters of supporting serious undergraduate research in the Department. He believes he owes the success he's had to Professor Gerd Bergmann. Doug said that, "Professor Bergmann's laboratory is without compare. He encourages students to participate fully in research. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have advanced so quickly and successfully."

When first beginning laboratory work, Doug spent many hours learning to prepare and execute each experiment. The hands-on learning took hold and increased his great curiosity for physics. The data he collected and used in the poster is now forming a base for furthering his research efforts. Doug is now a graduate student in the Department.

Doug also presented his poster at the American Physical Society's nationwide meeting in March 1999, in Georgia.

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