President Steven Sample (right) and Professor Tu-nan Chang at the
Fifteenth Annual Academic Honors Convocation on Tuesday, March 5, 1996
University Level
- Chinese-American Faculty Association Scholarship Fundation (Member of
the Board of Directors, 96 - 04 and President, 98 - 00 )
- Chinese-American Faculty Association of Southern
California (Executive Board, 94 - 04 and President, 96 - 97)
- Asian and Pacific Islander Faculty and Staff Netwrok at USC
(president, 92 - 94)
- Executive committee, Asian and Pacific Islander Faculty and Staff
Netwrok at USC (member, 94 - 98)
- Co-chair, Steering Committee, Performance-based
faculty compensation system, a project sponsored by the James Irvine
Foundation (1996)
- Country Desk Officer for Taiwan, Country Desk
Officer Network, USC Internationalization Strategic Initiative (1996 - 1997)