USC Physics & Astronomy:

Tu-nan Chang
Professor emeritus of Physics

Department of Physics and Astronomy, MC 0484 University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0484

Email address: <> 1-213-740-1133 (Telephone) 1-213-740-6653 (FAX) Office: SHS 368

The research of Tu-nan Chang is concentrated on the studies of strong multielectron interactions in atomic transitions dominated by multiple excitations in complex atoms. In addition to his continuous efforts on the development of general theoretical formalism related to atomic structure theory, considerable progress are also made in the development of the state-of-art computational techniques under parallel computing environment suitable for applications on the most powerful high speed computers. His theoretical works are closely related to the experimental efforts involving atomic systems subject to light sources ranging from high resolution intense lasers to the most advanced high intensity synchrotron radiation.

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