Kathy Riley

This is an example of an incomplete photo record for one student. My goal is to have a complete set of pictures for everyone eventually, but for now it is rather incomplete. Check out a few other examples of what records I have in hand now.

My intention is also to put whatever current information I have for each of us at the top of this type of page. For instance, for Kathy I have an e-mail address and a directory page at UCI to which I could link.

Year Alumni Photos Class and Group Photos

Class Pictures
Mrs. Golde's Second Grade

Class Pictures
Mrs. Urban's Second Grade

Clicking on the small class photo brings up a larger version of the same picture. Please tell me whether you like this way of presenting all of the pictures of a single one of us, and how quickly it loads up on your browser. If it loads too slowly I'll make the first column show the smaller version of the pictures, and then clicking on any of them will bring up a larger version.

And, of course, please send me any/all corrections/additions.

Last updated: Tue Jan 11 14:31:38 PST 2000
Sierra Vista Alumni Photographs / Kathy Riley / gould@usc.edu