Excellence in Teaching

We would like to congratulate our graduate teaching assistants. Once again, they've done an outstanding job. Three were recently recognized at our annual department luncheon on September 22nd. Tu-nan Chang, Department Chair and Henry Lee presented the awards.

Tony Lopez received the Outstanding Teaching Assistant of the Year honors, along with a check for $500. Tony's work with the students and faculty is exemplary. His enthusiasm and leadership skills inspire his students. Tony is an instructor of the highest caliber.

The Most Improved Teaching Assistant award with $250 was presented to Yuxiang Luo. Throughout the year, he has dedicated himself to improving his teaching skills and communication with his students.

Andre Koutouza was given $250 and a Special Recognition award for his exceptional service to the department. Andre is extremely dedicated and was very helpful when we experienced staff shortages during the year.

The Department of Physics and Astronomy thanks all of our hard-working Teaching Assistants. The work they do is essential to our department and their skill and dedication is much appreciated. We especially want to congratulate and thank Tony, Yuxiang and Andre for their superior performance.

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