Employee of the Month
is Awarded to Physics Department Employee

Bill Talbert, Equipment Manager in the Physics Undergraduate Labs, received the USC Employee of the Month award for June 2000. Bill has dedicated many years to USC in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and has displayed a continuing commitment to excellence. He was nominated by Ty Buxman, Director of Undergraduate Affairs, with Laboratory Director, Kris Sabo supporting the nomination.

Bill began working for the Physics Department in 1983 when he was hired on a temporary basis to build several sets of mailboxes and help out in the undergraduate lab stockroom. His skills and work ethic quickly earned him a full-time staff position as a Laboratory Technician to work with then equipment manager Hermann Fae. In 1997, upon Hermann's retirement, Bill was promoted to the position of Equipment Manager. While he is still responsible for overall maintenance of the lab equipment, he is delighted to no longer be working during the evening labs as part of his elevated position.

When asked how the labs have changed over the past 17 years, Bill replied, "They really haven't changed dramatically. Physics is physics - the bare-bones work doesn't change." Over those 17 years, Bill has helped design and set-up many experiments, including the incline plane, moment of inertia, freefall and atwood machine experiments. In the past several years, the labs have gotten more technically oriented, with more outside industry equipment available for the students. A few of the more recent experiments he has contributed to are the bioelectric experiments in which students measure heart rates and reflex response times, and a video capture experiment that digitizes video to allow analysis of the trajectories, momentum and energy of objects in motion.

Bill has been married for 17 years and makes his home in Carson. His extracurricular activities include a deep committment to the Central Baptist Church where he sings in the men's choir, donates time and energy to youth programs and works to strengthen the church in the community. For many years, Bill was a member in good standing with the USC Staff Club, a service oriented, on-campus organization that provides scholarships. Additionally, Bill is a master woodworker and finds great enjoyment in designing and building furniture.

As Staff Member of the Month, Bill received $50 and a plaque presented at a continental breakfast. The Department of Physics and Astronomy joins the University in congratulating Bill and hopes that we have his wit and exemplary service with us for many years to come. Congratulations!

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