Staff Retrospective

In 1995, after 12 years as Budget Analyst in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Henry Lee retired from USC and left California all together. He and his wife, Jan L. Lee (Ph.D. USC, 1988) moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan. Jan Lee is the Director of the Undergraduate and Non-Traditional Programs at the School of Nursing at the University of Michigan.

As a self-employed asset manager for his mother's trust, Henry travels to Los Angeles at least once a month to meet with his attorney, accountant, investments manager and, most importantly, visit with his 87 year old mother.

Henry and Jan love Ann Arbor and Michigan. They own a beautiful home south of Ann Arbor just six miles from the University of Michigan. It is in the country and they have deer, chipmunks, woodchucks, raccoons and rabbits as frequent guests. "Ann Arbor has everything one would want - theatre, movies, restaurants, etc. If we ever miss the big city, we can drive into Detroit, some 45 miles west," he stated.

They are so enamored with their adopted state, they even appreciate the weather. "Yes, we have ice, snow and cold weather in the winter and hot temperatures with high humidity in the summer, but it is a much more relaxed and healthier environment. There is a saying in Michigan - there are two seasons, winter and road construction," Henry joked. However, after many years of suffering with allergies, they have virtually disappeared since moving.

Henry has also taken up figure skating, taking lessons for two years. He's attained his goal of being able to skate a few times around the rink without falling - no jumps and spins in his repertoire to date. His focus now is supporting eight young skaters from his club and watching them master the sport.

As a long-term supporter of USC and the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Henry wanted to make a lasting contribution. Working with Tu-nan Chang, Chair of the Department, he has developed an endowment to provide annual outstanding teaching assistant awards in the department. Henry is thoroughly enjoying life. He finds great joy in helping others, be it young skaters or aspiring physicists.

The Physics and Astronomy Department thanks Henry for his years of superior service and also for his continuing interest and generosity. Enjoy the winter wonderland in Michigan, Henry.

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