Superior Teaching Recognized

Graduate students George Tikhonov and Jeff Nuttall were honored for their teaching excellence in September 1999.

George Tikhonov received the Outstanding Teaching Assistant of the year honors. He is extremely self-motivated. In the fall of 1996, George was appointed the Head Teaching Assistant for the first semester of the Engineering Physics series (Physics 151). He has dedicated himself to teaching excellence since then. His enthusiasm and leadership inspires his students and they thrive under his tutelage. George is an instructor of the highest order and very deserving of the Outstanding Teaching Assistant award.

The award for Most Improved Teaching Assistant of the year was presented to Jeff Nuttall. Jeff has worked extremely hard to learn to present the material in such a way that engages the students. He has become a superior instructor and strong leader.

We applaud the excellence of our accomplished teaching assistants and look forward to working with them throughout their tenure. On behalf of the department and the students, a heartfelt thank you to both George and Jeff.

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