Bickers Receives USC Associates Award

In Spring 1999, Professor Gene Bickers was honored with the Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching. Over the past decade, Professor Bickers has been one of our most versatile and effective teachers. Both as a teacher and advisor, he has had a lasting impact on the lives of countless students. His innovative classroom presentations, including his infamous `walk on fire' demonstration, are among the most popular in the university. He has also established an exemplary record in graduate student guidance. As the Associate Chairman of the Department, Professor Bickers has contributed tremendously to new curriculum and outreach programs. His efforts led to an equipment grant of more than $100,000 from Hewlett-Packard for the undergraduate physics instructional laboratories.

The Department of Physics and Astronomy joins with USC in honoring Professor Bickers for his enthusiasm and creativity in working with students and colleagues and for his remarkable dedication.

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