Alumni News

Dr. G. Roger Gathers, B.S. Physics '60, retired recently from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory where he has worked since receiving his Ph.D. in Physics at UC Berkeley in 1967. During his career, he has worked on nuclear testing, liquid metal physics, and shock wave physics and is the author of "Selected Topics in Shock Wave Physics and Equation of State Modeling." In addition, Gathers is a ham operator expert with an extra class license (N6GRF) and gives antenna design lectures at Ham Radio conferences.

Dr. Jien-Ping Jiang, Ph.D. Physics '90, is now at Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, as a research associate working on organic charge transport agents and organic light emitting diode (LED) as well as solid state laser and frequency conversion techniques.

Dr. Katri Leila Paivikki Huitu, Ph.D. Physics '92, has been placed in Helsinki, first in the Research Institute for High Energy Physics and starting last December, in the Helsinki Institute of Physics as the project leader of the high energy phenomenology project. After graduating from USC, her Physics interests have shifted somewhat to a more phenomenological direction, but Huitu still considers her education at USC on conformal field theory and string theory extremely valuable in order to be able to follow some recent developments in theoretical physics.

Dr. Inseob Hahn, Ph.D. Physics '93, has been doing a low temperature experiment using Helium 3 at JPL where he has spent two years as a postdoc, and is now a permanent employee. Hahn became interested in ultralow temperature physics when he completed his dissertation on this field at USC.

Dr. Ziad Maassarani, M.A. Physics '90; Ph.D. Physics '94, has been doing research in theoretical high-energy physics and statistical mechanics since graduation. After USC, he spent two years at the CEA in France (the French Atomic Energy Commission) in a post-doctoral research position. Maassarani is currently in Canada at the Laval University in Quebec City doing further research in a post-doctoral position.

Dr. Fei Ye, M.S. CENG '93; Ph.D. Physics '95, joined Teradyne Inc. in 1994 after completing his experimental work, and while finishing his dissertation. Ye was doing system software development in Teradyne's semiconductor testing division, and was the first USC physics graduate they hired. In 1995, he accepted an offer from Sun microsystems and started his current career in microprocessor design. In the past one and half years, he has contributed to several projects, including Ultra-Sparc's 200MHz, 330MHz and 400MHz processors, and is currently focusing on megacells circuit design and SRAM design.

Mr. Michael John Banks, B.A. East Asian Languages & Culture '95; B.S. Physics '95, is attending graduate school at the University of Rochester in the Department of Physics and Astronomy where, in the Spring of '96, he was awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. He is researching quantum optics, specifically with a focus on experiments with cooled and trapped atoms. Banks recently passed his Preliminary Exam, which is the formal comprehensive physics test that begins official qualification for work toward the Ph.D. degree. He has also contributed to a couple of papers published for SRI International over the last two years.