[Photo of Penner] Robert Penner


Office: DRB 155
Phone: (213) 740-2422
FAX: (213) 740-2424

E-Mail: rpenner@mtha.usc.edu

Geometry, Topology

Robert Penner's early research was in the fields of low-dimensional topology and dynamical systems. His interests then turned to geometry and he developed the decorated Teichmuller theory of punctured surfaces in a series of papers. He and other researchers have subsequently applied these techniques to various problems in string theory. His current research interests include further development of these interfaces between geometry and physics especially involving algebraic number theory.


Joint Appointment: Mathematics

Educational Background: B.A. cum laude in Mathematics (with distinction in all subjects), Cornell University, 1977; Ph.D. Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1982.

Mailing Address:

Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-1113

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Last Updated: Mon Apr 13 18:31:26 PDT 1998 Updates / Additions / Deletions
Robert Penner / Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of Southern California / College of Letters, Arts, & Sciences