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   Melvin Daybell, Research Professor

Post-docs/Research Staff
   Experimental Space Sciences
Melvin Daybell is interested in solar systems studies utilizing rocket and satellite borne photon spectrometers operating in the extreme ultraviolet. He and his students have developed a photoelectron spectrometer with two unique features for this work. It has no lenses, mirrors, or gratings so that its performance will not deteriorate due to photo erosion of these elements during space missions lasting several years. Also, the overlap of spectra of different orders that plagues grating instruments is avoided. Studies of the long time term dependence of the EUV spectrum of the sun, of particular importance for understanding of the behavior of the atmosphere of our earth and other planets, are contemplated.

  bullet Publications
  Educational Background
B.S. Physics and Mathematics, New Mexico State University, 1956; Ph.D. Physics, California Institute of Technology, 1962.

  Mailing Address

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  Contact Information
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Office: SHS 362
Tel: (213) 740-6338
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