Alumni Updates

Help your former classmates (and us, too) find you. Let us know how we can reach you electronically. You can also use this form to give us a change of US Mail address or simply some news for the next Departmental Newsletter.

For your convenience, US Mail address updates which you provide to us here will be forwarded automatically to USC Alumni Records, so that publications such as Trojan Family will continue to be sent to your most current address. However, if you choose, when this form is submitted, you will be given a link to the Alumni Records Update page itself.

You must include your name and e-mail address with the form.
After filling out the form, click the "Submit" button at the bottom of this page.

Name: (Required)
E-Mail Address: (Required)
Publish this e-mail address on Physics Alumni web page
Web Page URL:

Other Comments (including address updates):

Form Version: 20
Department of Physics & Astronomy / Alumni Updates /