Physics Links









o   Tunneling and wave packets

o  Tunneling effect and microscope


o   Tunneling and wave packets

o  Tunneling effect and microscope

o  Scanning tunneling microscope

o  Why the sun keeps shining

o  Tunneling in the smallest water droplet

o  Band structure

·        Lasers

o  Lasers

o  Laserium: How a gas laser works

o  Ruby laser

o  Semiconductor laser


·        Nuclear physics

o   Nuclear fission

o   Nuclear chain reaction

o   The sun's power source

o   ITER (International ThErmonuclear Reactor)

o   Live chart of nuclides



·        Stupid movie physics

·        American Association of Physics Teachers ComPADRE digital library

·         PhET Interactive Simulations

·        Walter Fendt's Physics Apps

·        Math, physics, and engineering applets by Paul Falstad

·        Steven Vogel: Living in a Physical World